A woman having chest pain due to a heart attack

Why Is There An Increase In Heart Attacks During Winter?

Heart attacks, a formidable health concern, become even more alarming when data consistently indicates their higher prevalence during the winter months. Extensive research has proved this trend, raising concern and prompting a deeper exploration into the various factors contributing to this seasonal spike in cardiovascular incidents. In this comprehensive discussion, we'll unravel the complex interplay of physiological and environmental elements that elevate the risk of heart attacks in winter. Furthermore, we'll explore the demographic groups at higher risk, providing actionable insights to navigate the impending winter season with optimal heart health.

Understanding the Winter Surge:

To comprehend the surge in heart attacks during winter, we must first grasp the statistical evidence supporting this phenomenon. Studies have shown a notable 31-33% increase in the incidence of heart attacks during the colder months. Moreover, a finer analysis reveals that for every 1-degree Celsius drop in temperature, there's a corresponding 0.49% increase in deaths from all causes. This statistical correlation necessitates an exploration of the various factors that might be contributing to this heightened risk.

  1. Cold-induced Physiological Changes:

The frigid temperatures characteristic of winter induce physiological responses in the human body, setting the stage for cardiovascular complications like heart attacks or stroke.

  • Vasoconstriction and Elevated Blood Pressure:

As temperatures rise, the body initiates vasoconstriction, a mechanism to conserve heat. Blood vessels constrict, leading to increased resistance, which consequently increases blood pressure. The heart responds by pumping blood more forcefully through these narrowed vessels, creating a scenario where blood pressure tends to be universally elevated during the cold season.

  • Coronary Artery Constriction:

Simultaneously, cold-induced vasoconstriction can affect coronary arteries, further reducing blood and oxygen flow to the heart and its muscles. This compromised blood flow becomes a precursor to heart attacks.

  • Winter Blood Volume Increase:

In contrast to summer, when increased sweating reduces blood volume, winter sees a preservation of bodily fluids. This higher blood volume contributes to elevated blood pressure, adding another layer to the cardiovascular strain experienced during winter.

  1. Hormonal Changes and Blood Clotting:

Beyond the immediate physiological responses to cold, winter weather prompts more profound hormonal changes that may impact cardiovascular health.

  • Cholesterol Levels and Clotting Factors:

Colder temperatures have been associated with higher cholesterol levels and increased levels of clotting factors. The intricate dance of hormones during winter may contribute to an environment where blood clotting is more likely. Platelets tend to aggregate more, heightening the risk of blood clot formation—a key player in heart attacks and strokes.

  1. Behavioural Changes:

The winter months usher in not only physiological shifts but also changes in behaviour

that can influence heart health.

  • Reduced Physical Activity and Weight Gain:

Cold weather often discourages outdoor physical activity, leading to a sedentary lifestyle. Coupled with holiday festivities that may result in excess calorie intake, this contributes to weight gain—a risk factor for heart disease.

  • Sun Exposure and Vitamin D Deficiency:

Reduced exposure to sunlight, either due to spending more time indoors or geographical factors, can result in Vitamin D deficiencies. While the direct impact of Vitamin D supplementation on cardiovascular health is not entirely clear, lower levels of this essential vitamin are indirectly associated with an increased risk of heart problems.

  1. Cold and Flu Season:

A woman suffering from flu during winters

  • Exertion and Limited Physical Activity:

Winter coincides with the flu season, and persistent coughs resulting from respiratory illnesses can exert stress on individuals advised to limit physical activity due to existing heart ailments.

Are You at Risk?

Understanding the intricate web of factors contributing to winter heart attacks brings us to the question of individual risk. While each of these factors contributes gradually, it is the combination of these elements that may push individuals, particularly those already at risk, towards heightened susceptibility during winter.

Demographic Groups at Higher Risk:

  • Older Individuals:

Age is a significant factor, with older individuals more susceptible to the cumulative effects of physiological and environmental stressors during winter.

  • Regular Smokers and Drinkers:

Those who engage in regular smoking or excessive alcohol consumption are at an elevated risk of heart attacks. These habits can exacerbate the cardiovascular strain induced by cold weather.

A hand saying no to cigarette

  • Sedentary Lifestyles:

Individuals with sedentary lifestyles, devoid of regular physical activity, may find their bodies less equipped to handle the added stressors of winter.

Mitigating the Risks:

As the winter season approaches, adopting a proactive approach to heart health becomes paramount. Here are actionable steps to mitigate the risks associated with winter heart issues:

1. Stay Warm:

Protect yourself from the cold by wearing appropriate clothing, especially during outdoor activities.

2. Regular Physical Activity:

Engage in regular physical activity as recommended by your healthcare provider. Indoor exercises and winter sports can be viable options.

3. Routine Health Checkups:

Schedule routine health checkups and medication reviews with your doctor to ensure optimal management of existing conditions.

4. Healthy Eating:

Adopt a balanced and heart-healthy diet, rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, while limiting the intake of saturated fats and sodium.

5. Avoid Smoke and Alcohol:

Minimise exposure to smoke, and if possible, quit smoking. Limit alcohol consumption to moderate levels.

6. Adopt Ayurvedic Heart Care

Frequent consumption of tea has proven to reduce the risk of heart attacks and related diseases. From green to oolong tea, certain teas contain specific compounds that help improve heart health.

Preserva Wellness’ Daily Heart Care Tea is a distinctive combination of Ayurvedic herbs known to support heart health- Hibiscus, Mulberry leaves, Peach fruit, Moringa, Green tea leaves and Cinnamon powder.

With its delightful taste and alluring aroma, regular consumption of this unique tea strengthens the heart muscle, improves blood circulation, regulates blood pressure, and protects the heart with overall circulatory health. The Daily Heart Care Tea is your solution to reducing your risk of cardiovascular disease, heart attack or stroke.

Heart attack is a grim condition, and its increasing incidence among young adults is a warning sign that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Luckily, with vigilance, self-care, and a healthy lifestyle, you can avoid the risk of this deadly disease.


In conclusion, the winter surge in heart attacks is a complex interplay of physiological, environmental, and behavioural factors. By understanding these intricacies and taking proactive steps, individuals can significantly reduce their risk of cardiovascular incidents during the colder months. Whether through lifestyle modifications, routine check-ups, or the incorporation of Ayurvedic care such as the Preserva Wellness Daily Heart Care Tea, safeguarding heart health is an achievable goal. As winter approaches, prioritise your well-being, stay informed, and consult with healthcare professionals to ensure a heart-healthy season. Remember, maintaining a happy and stress-free life is an essential component of overall health.


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